Space is kind of a analog computer for algebra

Since geometry is basically algebra and vice versa, if you draw some triangles and circles you are actually performing algebra and your paper is like it seems an analog computer for the algebra. Or maybe because all algebra is basically geometry with other notation maybe math is all geometry. I guess geometry is then the most basic thing.

In a sense every art piece is a algebraic calculation!?

Similar like an abacus is an analog computer for arithmetic.

And also like a planetarium is an analog computer for the planets.

Oldest planetarium in the world

Veritasium did a great video about it:

Train station diagrams are spacetime diagrams!!

I found something really cool in a book that I saw in a library, namely that there exist something like a train schedule diagram. Which is exactly a spacetime diagram but then for a simple real world application. It has the distance on y-axis and the time on the x-axis like so:

So actually I just found out after posting this blog that Numberphile just did a video about this, that’s a coincidence: