Ideal gas law and equivalence principle

The ideal gas law states that the total mass of a gas has no effect on the pressure, i.e. more massive molecules don’t produce higher pressure. This seems similar to the equivalence principle for gravity. The reason it counts for ideal gas law is because even though the more massive molecules transfer more momentum, they have on average less velocity and thus the amount of collision on the wall are lower. These cancel out.

Equivalence principle for gravity is that a heavier object falls at the same speed than a lighter object. This is also true for a fictitious force. Even though the heavier object has a higher inertia, it also produces a higher gravitional effect, which exactly cancels out.

Waking up

I wonder if mother nature ever will wake up again after we were gone. Seems so wasteful/ would be a shame if it didn’t. Because the fact that we now exist suggests that there will be a mass extinction in our lifetime (or something else). Don’t know if the circumstancs for consciousness will arise again. Also I wonder if the uiverse will restart after heat death. Could be because of poincaré recurrence, or maybe not because divergence of a random walk in >2D


The soviets defeated the nazis. It’s almost like only someone as evil as hitler could’ve stopped him. Both sides committed terrible war crimes. However in western europe it is mostly felt that USA stopped Hitler. Obviously they were crucial, but quantitively the soviets defeated the nazis.

The Eastern front is probably the most terrible thing that ever happened to humanity in history to this day. It seems that there is no war that ever happened that was as devastating as then. Even though it is not very typical when talking about WW2 to consider the eastern front, since in movies etcetera we usually picture the battle of normandy and stuff.

Really nice youtube video shows this, here. It seems like was already decided at 1941 november. It seems also like the allies didn’t really save western europe from the nazis. They saved them from the Soviets (esp the germans in western germany).

Hippocratic oath and policy makers

I think every policy maker in healthcare should have had some form of healthcare education and should have taken the hippocratic oath. E.g. insurance companies and healthcare ministers. This is partly to ensure that no businessman focused on profits rise to the top in these administrations.