ABCDE of Anaphylaxis

A: You hear stridor, you see swelling of tung and lip and possible face. No CWK trauma

B: You hear wheezing, low saturation, tachypnea, cyanosis

C: Red, Fast capillary refill, weak pulsations in case in shock

Tachycardia, hypotension

No signs of bleeding

D: If extremely bad: low EMV

E: Exanthema, hives


Call anesthesiologist and intensivist to standy for emergency intubation

  • Adrenalin 0.5 mg IM, can be repeated every 15 mins
  • Hydrocortisone 100 mg IV
  • Clemastine (Tavegyl) 2 mg IV, can be repeated every 15 mins.

Combivent inhalation

Max Infusion of salt water