Matter-antimatter annihilation

The amount of energy you can extract from information is determined by the landauer limit:

So if you extract energy from information the value is determined by the heat bath you are in. If you see the temperature created by the cosmic back ground radiation as the absolute heat bath, then the amount of energy you can extract from information goes down in time.

What if you can see particle-antiparticle annihilation as a form of energy extraction from bits. Would the energy produced by matter-antimatter annilation be determined by a heat bath? Probably not. This would mean that the energy produced/needed in time would change in the Universe.


A French physicist came to Dirac’s home to discuss some cutting edge physics. The physicist was escorted into Dirac’s study and he preceded for some time, trying with great difficulty to explain his work in English to Dirac. The physicist was clearly having considerable frustration with his limited spoken English. After quite some time, Dirac’s sister, Betty, entered the study with some tea and biscuits, speaking fluent French, and wherein Dirac responded in fluent French. The French physicist who had spent considerable time frustrated in trying to express himself in English inquired of Dirac: Why didn’t you tell me you spoke French. Dirac replied: You didn’t ask.

Complex time

Maybe if you treat time as a complex number you can treat QM en SM similar and also much better handle special relativity.

“Thus, real time dynamics and quantum statistical mechanics can be treated on the same footing, provided that we allow for the appearance of imaginary times.”