Space is kind of a analog computer for algebra

Since geometry is basically algebra and vice versa, if you draw some triangles and circles you are actually performing algebra and your paper is like it seems an analog computer for the algebra. Or maybe because all algebra is basically geometry with other notation maybe math is all geometry. I guess geometry is then the most basic thing.

In a sense every art piece is a algebraic calculation!?

Similar like an abacus is an analog computer for arithmetic.

And also like a planetarium is an analog computer for the planets.

Oldest planetarium in the world

Veritasium did a great video about it:

How to predict coming pandemics

Maybe you can use mutation rate which is constant and the fact that a virus is continuously changing instead of big jumps discretely to predict pandemics.

Because the central problem is a gain of ability of an existing virus. They do not arise from nothing. Dangerous abilities are: ability to jump species, ability to induce extreme illness (e.g. COVID cytokine storm leading to ARDS) etcetera

The analogy is: The closer your drunk friend gets to a lamppost the more scared you get, and the more urgent you try to prevent it. If he’s just in the middle of the road you don’t care and just watch him.

You do the following steps:

  1. Make exact genetic inventory of all current viruses in humans (also animals)
    1. I don’t know if this exceeds resources
  2. Culture all of them in human cells. For example all current coronaviruses.
    1. Extremely dangerous
  3. Increase the mutation rate in these viruses
    1. Also extremely dangerous
  4. See at what point the virus becomes more dangerous, e.g. creates cytokine storm like sars-cov-2 or becomes more infectious/or gains a capability to jump species
  5. Calculate at what time the outdoors virus will get this mutation the earliest

It basically utilizes the fact that a virus doesn’t instantaneously changes to something completely different but randomly walks there. (I realised later that it obviously can do that, with genetic shift) Obviously these steps are really complicated, but maybe you can do them all by computer if you can predict the properties of the proteins developed and the interactions with human cells. That would be the safest, but I don’t know if this is actually possible. Or see how the protein changes by actually making it and see how it folds and stuff.

My central point is that a mutating virus looks like a random walk through “genetic space”.

Random walk

Maybe you can find a way to incorpate genetic shift.

The difference between ‘How’- and ‘Why’-answers

“How?”-questions versus “Why?”-questions. 

Physics tries to answer ‘how?’-questions and not often you can answer the ‘why?’-questions. For example, Newton found the mathematical way ‘how’ gravity works. The force between two unit masses is inversely proportional to the square of the distance. But he realized it does not even remotely begin to answer the ‘why?’-question. Why in gods name do masses over time reduce the distance between each other? This sounds like magic! Shouldn’t this require an explanation? He famously said: “I feign no hypotheses”. He had no clue why gravity happens.

Now, it is very important to understand that we still have no clue why gravity happens! Einstein answered the ‘How?’-question even more accurate than Newton, but it is a misconception to think that he answered the ‘Why?’-question.

Newton answered the ‘how?’-question with his inverse square law and Einstein answered the ‘how?’-question with saying that matter curves spacetime and spacetime tells matter how to move.

Quite often ‘why’-questions get answered with ‘how’-answers

What do the words actual mean

Why: What is the reason? What is the cause?

How: In what manner? In what way?

How is the question about the route, why is a question about the starting point. What is the end-point (the effect). How is answering what the order of preceding causes are to an effect. Why answers the starting cause of the order what precedes an effect.


Applying this to the above picture: What happened? The last domino fell. How did that happen? All the preceding domino’s fell. Why did it happen? The guy pushed it.

We actually did not answer the ‘why’-question satisfactorily, because we can ask like a little kid: ‘Why did the guy push it?’ and so on.

A good example is applying these questions to life:

How did life arise?


Why did life arise?

Coincidence. Self-replicating proteins can exist (prions) and these were possible the first that arose out of a sea of elements.

A really terrible example of wrongly answering the question ‘Why is the sky blue?’ is just saying: ‘Rayleigh scattering’.

Why is the sky blue? Often gets an ‘how’-answer. ‘Raeleigh scattering’. It doesn’t begin to answer the queston Why?

When is a question nonsensical?

How ‎To what degree.

How often do you practice?‎

In what manner. How do you solve this puzzle? How else can we get this finished?‎

why ‎For what cause, reason, or purpose. Introducing a complete question. Why is the sky blue? Why did you do that? I don’t know why he did that Tell me why the moon changes phase.

You first have to completely answer the how question to start answering the why question. Or is it?